
Honestly, I can barely form words right now because I’m still reeling with hotness aftershocks. I just got back from the soft opening of The Icon on State Street. A-mazing. It’s a restaurant and tapas bar and the drinks were good and the food was really really good and the waiter—Justin—was without a doubt the […]


oh, Jin. . .

Daniel Dae Kim just got a DUI. This makes about the 5th or 6th cast member from Lost to get in trouble with the law for drivin’ dirty. Dang. Can’t they write some sort of moral uprighted-ness clause into their contracts? They can’t keep killing off characters for bad off-screen behavior. It makes me sad. […]



Not much to report these days, but there might be some excitement on the horizon. I talked to my mom the other day and our conversation kind of reignited the fire under my ass and motivated me to try a little harder to relocate to Louisville. I’ve been checking the UofL website pretty regularly for […]


the thing about boobs

The thing about boobs is that they feature pretty prominently on your chest. If you know what I’m sayin’. And as a result of their prominent featurance, stuff tends to collect there. Pen stains (I believe I’ve already admitted my pen flipping habit), food stains, food. Water tends to get there first if you lean […]


fake vegetarian

In mid-July, I stopped eating meat. I still eat seafood and eggs, and might have accidentally eaten a candy bar or two made with animal rendered fat (ew) but as of July, I’m a pesco-vegetarian. For awhile anyway. My cholesterol is too high, diabetes runs in my family, and it’s something I’d been thinking about […]


tv reviews

I watch too much tv. And I love tv. Television went through kind of a dark period in the reality show age, but I really think it’s getting it’s form back. I don’t have cable, but I still manage to work in a very respectable volume of programs. I actually do quite a bit of […]
